Spring is in the air

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Spring is in the Air

Spring is finally here - I think... As I write it's actually cold windy and raining heavily. However, I will not be put off! The warm spring weather will return by the end of the week.

Spring is a wonderfully productive time of year. It's the time when all the plans we have been mulling over during the winter slowly begin to blossom just as all the buds which appeared on the trees during the colder months now begin to burst in to life. I started thinking about building a new website this winter and here I am in spring putting the final touches on it, writing my first blogs and reaching out in to the big wider world.

I learned so much about the seasons and how they connect to the Chinese 5 Elements in Touch for Health Metaphor training and it makes perfect sense as a way of explaining the rhythms of life. It also releases me from the need to be productive during the winter months. For me Spring is a time to bring out my ideas while the summer is about enjoying the fruits of my labours. So I'm off to put this finishing touches on my website so that I can enjoy the sunshine and the garden in the height of the summer!

If you want to learn more about the TFH Metaphors and you have completed levels 1 and 2 of the TFH Foundation join my next Metaphors class on 25th and 26th September